Monday, 5 September 2016


1ai - Housefly ii Mosquito

I - Labellum II - Maxillary Palp III - Compound Eye Iv - Lateral Bristle V - Antenna Vi - Labium Vii - Probascus Viii - Compound eye

Vi - (Labium) It is modified from a long straight fleshy tube called probascus. During pivering, lavium bends back to allow needle like mouth parts to grow the flesh......

2a ) i)arthropodia ii) inserta 2b ) i) For Phyllum - presence of jointed appenodafes - presence of chitinumes ii) for class - presence of 3 pairs of walking legs - presence of segmented body parts 2c ) i) Organism D is mal ii) presence of airal style ================================== 4ai ) i) foilage ii) epicotyl iii ) tap root iv ) rootlets v ) split testa vi ) radicle vii) cotyledon 4aii ) i) it is the primitive leaf wich which manufactures food for the seeding ii) it functions as the primitive sterm of the seedling v ) it protects the inner part of the seed before germination v ) it absorbs natrients from the soil vii) it provides food for the germination seed . Vi ) it grows to form the root of the seeding 4bi ) Epigeal germination 4bii ) - cowpea - groundnut - castor 4biii ) - the seed requires warmth, water, viable seeds for germinitaion - the seed absorbs moisture and become swollen


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