(1a) A-Shear B-sickle C-rake (1aii) A-for trimming branches of flowers & trees C- for gathering dead leaves, stones & other debris (1aiii) -lubricating with oil -store in cool dry place after use (1bi) 1500/33900 * 100 = 4.42% (1bii) -bad bread flexible pelvic bone -it has a hard & pliable abdomen -possesses narrow dry cocoa (1biii) -good feeding -enabling a wide, moist cloaca -enabling a moist glossy plumule -use of drugs
(2a) A four year course crop rotation system. 2b) Tabulate: Plot1, Plot II, Plot III, Plot IV Year 1, Yam, Cowpea, Cassava, Maize Year 2, Maize, Yam, Fallow, Cassava Year 3, Cassava, Maize, Groundnut, Fallow Year 4, Fallow, Cassava, Yam, Groundnut (2c) (i) crops likely to be affected by the same insect pest and diseases should not follow each other. (ii) There should be a short period of fallow during which cover crops can be planted to add nitrogen to the soil. (iii) Deep rooted crop should not follow each other instead deep rooted crops should follow shallow rooted crops. (2d) (i) Crop rotation saves land,time,energy and money. (ii) It checks erosion since the soil is not exposed. (iii) It reduces the incidence of pest and diseases. (2e) (i) Lay farming (ii) Mixed farming (3a) P: -to indicate light in the farm house -to create heat for the young chicks Q: -for digging the soil -for loosening of the hard p soil R: -for transplanting of seedling -for weeding nursery beds (3b) -wear and tear during friction -rusting of the metal part -blockage of the pipe for spraying. (3c) -protective gloves -overall rain coat/ jacket -nose guard (3d) store in cool and dry places after use -replace any damage parts when required -clean and wash after use Click To Reload For More Answers °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° (4a) -helps in the mixing of the soil -increase the organic matter in the soil -it helps to improve soil structure -it helps in soil aeration (4b) W: after harvesting of the rice, the harvested rice will be parboiled to a certainb temperature for eearly removal of the husk from the rice seedling and after the rice will be stored in sacks or cool and dry place. X: after the harvesting of the groundnut from the soil. nthe farmer will now remove the groudnut seed from the hsuks and it will later be stored in a cool and dry place. (4c) -by hand picking -spray suitable pesticides -timely planting ......completed.....
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