Monday, 26 September 2016


  • Item 1 IRK/IRS OBJ: 1-10: BCAADAACDD 11-20: DDAAACDCBA 21-30: CCBDAABBAC 31-40: CBCCAACDAD 41-50: BBCDCDCCBA IRK ANs ================================ 3) Prophet Muhammad (saw)Makkah ( Bakka, Baca , Mecca). His father, Abdullah, died several weeks before his birth in Yathrib (Medinah) where he went to visit his father’s maternal relatives. His mother died while on the return journey from Medinah at a place called ‘Abwa’ when he was six years old. He was raised by his paternal grandfather ‘Abd al Muttalib (Shaybah) until the age of eight, and after his grandfather’s death by Abu Talib, his paternal uncle. The Angel Gabriel then embraced him until he reached the limit of his endurance and after releasing said: “Iqraa.” Muhammad’s answer was the same as before. Gabriel repeated the embrace for the third time, asked him to repeat after him and said: “Recite in the name of your Lord who created! He created man from that which clings. Recite; and thy Lord is most Bountiful, He who has taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not.” ================================ 1) Itikaf is a form of worship. It is formed by staying in a Mosque for a certain time. It is important that one should stay with the intention to worship Allah by praying formal or informal prayers although prayer is not a condition. -Intention as in the rest of the worship acts. -Belief in Islam. -Freedom from mental illness. -Fasting; thus the Itikaf of one who cannot fast for some reason is not valid. -Completing it in the Mosque where it was started. -The holy Mosque in Makkah -the holy Mosque of the Prophet in Medina -the holy Mosque of Kufa -the holy Mosque of Basrah -the Mosque which is assigned for the Friday prayer in any town or city. -Having sex and also according to Ehtiyat kissing or playing with one’s wife; -According to a necessary Ehtiyat causing a semen discharge, -And smelling perfumes for enjoyment -Selling or buying in the form of a business deal, according to a necessary Ehtiyat -Expressing bitterness in talking about worldly or religious matters in order to prove one’s ability, not the truth which is one of the best worships. ================================ 5) the wealth collected by Bayt al-Māl for the various expenses can be categorized into special wealth and general wealth. Special wealth includes all revenues that are determined by the Shari‘ah . This wealth cannot be spent on any other purposes except for those stated in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. The main item under this category is zakāt which, according to the Shi‘ite jurisprudence view includes nine assets. For example, according to Ayatollah Khomeini zakātable assets include wheat, barley, date, raisins, gold, silver, camel, cow and sheep. Each of these items after reaching certain amount become zakātable. General wealth consists of all wealth collected by the Bayt al-Māl with the exception of Zakāt , such as dfferent types of taxes. =======================
  • Item 2

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