Tuesday, 6 September 2016


Tuesday, 6th September, 2016 Agricultural Science (Essay&Objec 9.30am – 12.30pm +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


1a)They help to educate the farmers on new farming techniques They help provide agricultural shows and talks to the farmers They help to provide improved seedlings to the farmers They help to provide pesticides to the farmers They help to train the farmers on better planting methods as newly developed 1di) The knapsack sprayer is used for applying pesticide to the crops The knapsack sprayer is used for applying fertilizer to the Soil.


1dii) Cultivators. Harrow. Planks and rollers

2a)The soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity in soils. pH is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the activity of hydronium ions (H+ or, more precisely, H.

2b) i. Inefficient Use Of Nitrogen. ii. Increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil iii. removal of product from the farm or paddock iv. build up in organic matter

2c) i. Agricultural Limestone. ii. Wood ashes. iii. Organic matter

(2d) -Cowpea: Grain legumes-These crops are rich in protein -Amaranthus:Vegetable crops-These crops provide vitamins and minerals -Oil palm: Oil crops-These crops provide oil when processed for domestic and industrial use -Coconut: Oil crops-These crops provide oil when processed for domestic and industrial use -Cassava: Root and tuber crops-These crops produce tubers under the ground and they provide arbonhydrate -Maize: Cereal crops-This crops belong to the grass family and they provide carbonhydrate -Soya bean: Grain legumes-These crops are rich in protein -Cocoa: Beverage crops-They provide food drinks when processed -Pepper: Spices-They provide vitamins and minerals -Plantain: Fruit crops-They also provide vitamins and mineral

3B.i) low yield. ii) low income. iii) decrease in market value price. iv) damages the crops resistance to diseases v) reduces quality

4e) Floriculture , or flower farming, is a discipline of horticulture concerned with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for floristry, comprising the floral industry. The development, via plant breeding, of new varieties is a major occupation of floriculturists.


Farm budgeting is a process of estimating costs, returns and net profit of a farm or a particular enterprise. Budget is a statement of estimated income and expenditure.

(6a) (i)he must be persuasive (ii)he must be approachable (iii)he must pass government policy to the farmers (iv)he must be knowledgeable

(6bi) Advantages: -the farmer receives more attention from the agent. -the farmer gets information faster through the use of telephone disadvantages: -it waste a lot of time -many farmers cannot e reached

(6bii) advantages: -it saves cost and time -it is not as tedious as in personal contact disadvantages: -the unserious ones can discourage others -shortage of extension workers to reach many groups

(6c) these are laws promulgated by the government in form of decrees, edicts and bye laws to prevent people from exploiting the forest at will, that is helps to conserve or preserve trees.


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