Many years away, in a land far ago, forces unseen and unknown decreed to find custodians of your healthy beverage consumption. Forever mandated to ensure that you drink only the best the land has to offer, a quest began to unearth the ultimate drink. A delicious drink that gives your body the right amount of nutritional support.
Many hard battles were fought in the hunt for the ultimate drink. Ogres were slain, banshees banished and previously unknown paths were revealed (mostly because there was traffic everywhere else). But at last, after a long and arduous journey, a victor rose from the fog. Chivita emerged as your champion, the elixir had been found, and we bestowed upon it the name Chivita Active Vegetable Fruit Nectar!
A unique blend of Vegetable and Fruits fused into one delicious drink, bursting with rich antioxidants, mineral and vitamins, Chivita Active Vegetable Fruit Nectar is everything you require to live a healthy and active lifestyle. And because no two explorers are on the same path, Chivita Active Vegetable Fruit Nectar comes in a variety of distinct flavors to suit your particular journey towards a healthy active life. Choose from any our Beetroot and Grape, Orange and Carrot, and Beetroot and Apple flavors.
And now, it is time to embark on a quest of your own, so prepare to partake in a tournament which will test your worthiness and valor (and possibly culinary skills).
And now, for the means by which you will complete this quest.
Step 1: Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter or Instagram.
Step 4: Winners would be selected based on the creativity of their mix.
See, simple. I know what you’re thinking.
As stated earlier, the conqueror found most worthy will receive online vouchers worth N60,000, while 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be N40,000 and N20,000 respectively.
So prepare yourselves, your journey to a healthy and active lifestyle filled with rewards starts here. Go in peace brave warriors, and return as the Champions of Chivita, Entry closes on the 13th of June 2016!
Twitter: @Chivita_Active
Instagram: @Chivita_Active
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