Editor’s note:The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu on Thursday, May 12, released a poem from Kuje Prison in Abuja. The letter which was sent by IPOB to PADENRIZKIDZ.COM was said to have been released through a lawyer representing Kanu. Sit back, relax and enjoy yourself while you read through Kanu’s poem below.
The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi KanuI am Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of Indigenous people of Biafraand also the director of radio Biafra.I have restored Biafra without a gunshot,I have destroyed Nigeria with truth andI have conquered Nigeria with Chiukwuokikeabiama.They waited for me to bomb and shoot,but i refused to use metallic bullet and atomic bombs,I only used intellectual bullets and bombs and I haveflawlessly won the war.I stood just ordinary radio station and propagated the gospel of Chukwuokikeabiama,the word of God is power and that power have destroyed Nigeria and restored Biafra.I observed freedom of speech and fearlessly preached truth,I am fearless even before death because am prophesy of over400 years ago.If God is not man then his prophesy shall come to pass and those thatstand against God will know Chiukwuokikeabiama is creation.I have lawfully followed stipulated procedures for self-determination and have neverbeen involved in any form of violence or crime, I have alwaystold you Biafrans to be disciplined and law-abiding andyou have made me proud.
I am grateful that we are whiter than white and whiter than snow.We have no dishonour neither do we have any spot, they have killed us mercilesslyand we have never killed back yet they arrested us and tried to break us to betray Biafra.They arrested me for saying the truth, nothing but the truth.They arrested me for demanding Biafra, they arrested me for embracing freedom of speech.They conspired and arrested me for being lawful and demanding attention.They arrested me because peace is prohibited in Nigeria; they arrested mebecause dialogue is impossible in Nigeria.They arrested me because I refused to take up arms, they arrested me becauseI defeated them intellectually.When a man is defeated by reason, he sought to dischargehis frustration on justice. I am a prisoner of conscience and I amsure the world still have conscience.I am Nnamdi Kanu, I have chosen death, I shall die forBiafra and let my death give my generation a better life, let mydeath be a guarantee for a better future, let my death beyour smile and let my death end yourmarginalization, subjugation, slavery and tears.I am Nnamdi Kanu the lion that chose death over the abuse ofhis people. I instead die than renounce Biafra, give me Biafra or kill me is where I stand.I have been arrested for nothing, I am a prisoner of conscience,they are here to break me, to make me renounceBiafra but they don’t know me, they don’t know Biafra is myreligion and they don’t know renouncing Biafra is a deathsentence, is like committing suicide.In their widest dream shall I commit suicide and I assure them that days ofreckoning will come, for Chiukwuokikeabiama shallavenge the death of His children.I have taken an oath with the name of God that I shall neverbetray or give up Biafra because I knew this day will come.I am physically and psychologically prepared for this period.I took the oath and staked my family,my generations and everything I am,and so giving up Biafra in any condition is impossible, even at gun point, I will onlyaccept my inevitable death than renounce Biafra.
I have been arrested before but this time is more severe, theharder the price is the closer the Kingdom of God, evenYawehesua prayed that only if this cup will pass over him.They came with every tactics they know to deceive me intosigning off Biafra, they promised me freedom, heavenand earth, but I told devil to get behind me for the Kingdom ofGod worth nothing man can offer.I am more intelligent than them and Iwill defeat them to apoint nothing will be left to fight for, Biafra will be and it has come to stay.I appeared in the court on 19th Feb 2016, in the face of thispersecution to coerce me into giving up Biafra, I wore a cleanwhite cloth and tagged Biafran flag under the pocket of mywhite lace.I tagged the flag there because that is where lifeis and this is to tell you that Biafra is why i breathe.I will never ever disappoint you and will die for Biafra to come.The Biafran flag badge tagged on mywhite lace is to remindthe world that I am resolute and shallnever in this life accept their gold to sale Biafra.The world has no option except giving me Biafra andeverything in Nigeria shall be at risk if anything happens to me.Biafrans love me and together we have chosen death or giveus Biafra, should anything happen tome then my command remains.Meanwhile, I have followed you greatBiafrans and I mustconfess that I am satisfied, you havemade me proud and mymessage to you all is to stay strong, remain resolute andfocused.We must not give up, we should continue pushing strong, we should continue ourpeaceful protest because it is frustrating Nigeriangovernment and we must keep spreading the message ofBiafra and at the end we shall win.
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